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Manuela Kelzenberg / Birgit Oefinger
Wir bewegen uns voller Energie in die Zukunft. In diesem Magazin beleuchten wir die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Energiewirtschaft. Der Verband gestaltet die zukunftsorientierten Prozesse aktiv mit. Wir haben Neuigkeiten für Sie!
Einen detaillierten Überblick über das Geschäftsjahr 2023 bietet die Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. im DVS, kurz: DVS Forschung, in ihrer neuen Broschüre ZAHLEN | DATEN | FAKTEN
Der Frühling lockt uns nach draußen. Mobilität treibt uns an. Sie bedeutet individuelle Freiheit sowie technische Innovation. Gerade jetzt, wo Mobilität neu gedacht wird und innovative Antriebstechniken die Zukunft bestimmen. Als Verband setzen wir auf neue Mobilitätsdienstleister exklusiv für unsere DVS-Mitglieder. Wir haben Neuigkeiten für Sie!
Einen detaillierten Überblick über das Geschäftsjahr 2022 bietet die Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. im DVS, kurz: DVS Forschung, in ihrer neuen Broschüre ZAHLEN | DATEN | FAKTEN.
2023 war zweifellos ein turbulentes und ereignisreiches Jahr. Gerade in diesem Jahr ist der technologische Fortschritt unaufhörlich vorangeschritten. Inwiefern ist die Fügetechnik involviert? Was bedeutet das für uns? Wir fragen nach Antrieben in unserem Alltag und nach Ihrem ganz persönlichen Antrieb.
The qualification of companies, procedures and personnel ensures the competitiveness of companies. The knowledge of specialist and managerial staff is indispensable through processes, materials and tools for creativity and innovation – this applies to research and development as well as to production. Qualifications also support further development and maintenance of a persons ability to adapt to the ever-changing workplace.
In recent years, the technology involved in the development of laser beam sources has taken huge steps forward. The result is that beam sources with practically any level of performance and beam quality have become available for industrial use. As such, for the non-specialist, the diverse range of beam sources with different wave lengths, levels of performance and price categories is difficult to overlook. These sources have an enormous usage potential in the most diverse sectors of industry.
The electron beam can be used in the most diverse ways as a tool in research and development, as well as in large scale technical applications. In welding technology, it is predominantly used in vacuum chambers and is capable of welding nearly all metallically conductive joining members. Aviation and aerospace, energy plant engineering and heavy mechanical engineering are just a few sectors in which the advantages of the electron beam are recognised anew time and again and where this is then a yardstick for further developments and innovations as a “technology carrier”.
In many industries the joining of plastics play an important role: Whether in the electrical industry or in the automotive industry, household goods, medical equipment, in pipeline engineering, in apparatus engineering or in tank construction - in application areas like these, the joining of plastics or plastics and metals is an essential part of production. This makes it even more important for companies in such industries to know the current status of joining technology in terms of cost-efficiency and productivity, to work with practical solutions and to be able to rely on the expertise of qualified employees. The technical-scientific cooperative work within DVS offers the right instruments for all these components.
The joining technology of brazing is one of the oldest, material-locking joining technologies of mankind. It is characterised by its diverse utilisation possibilities for the joining of metals, even of different types, and brazed joints can be found in all areas of everyday life. Due to new, modern brazing filler materials, procedures and processes, brazing technology also allows the manufacture of technologically demanding metal joints which permit innovative and pioneering products.