All interested parties can object to the result of a certification decision and complain about any boundary conditions in the area of examination and certification. The regulated two-stage procedure, which is the same for objections and complaints, serves to systematically record, process and evaluate incoming objections/complaints with the aim of restoring customer satisfaction and continuously improving quality.
In the event of appeals against examination and/or certification decisions, the matter is forwarded to the appeals and complaints committee of the main examination and certification committee (HZA). This committee generally decides within two months of receipt of the appeal and in the final instance.
Complaints are forwarded by DVS-PersZert to the responsible PZA chairman. This chairman generally decides on behalf of the HZA within two months.
Before a decision is made, those concerned must be given the opportunity to make a written and oral statement. The statements must be known to all persons involved in the decision-making process. Decisions must be communicated to those concerned in writing. In the case of hearings, notification must be made no later than two weeks later. If delays occur for unforeseeable reasons, the objection/complainant must be informed of this immediately in writing. Decisions require a simple majority, and consensus is the aim.
Einspruchs- und Beschwerdeausschuss des HZA
HZA objection and complaint committee